Palynofacies analysis and hydrocarbons assessments on some subsurface Middle Jurassic rocks of northern Western Desert, Egypt

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


1 Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Sohag University, Sohag, Egypt 82524

2 1Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt


The current study's palynofacies analysis and visual microscopic inspections of some subsurface Middle Jurassic rocks from Egypt's northern Western Desert revealed that not all the investigated rock units are suitable source rocks for hydrocarbons; some are gas-prone rocks, while others are oil-prone rocks. However, assessments of the hydrocarbon potentiality of the studied rock unit, which is represented by the Khatatba Formation in the Fadda-1 well, can be classified as overmature gas-prone source rocks, as well as reconstruct plant cover and infer palaeoclimate conditions. The high frequency of Deltoidospora and Cicatricosisporites spores suggests locally pteridophyte-dominated lowlands vegetation near/at the well site. Conifer flora is assumed to exist in somewhat dry hinterlands due to the presence of saccate (Araucaria cites and Balmeiopsis) pollen grains. In addition, due to the presence of drought resistant Cassopolis pollen grain, a regional warm and relatively dry palaeoclimate is thought to have prevailed, with a local humid condition developing around the well site.

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